AI-Assisted Newsletter

 I began my ChatGPT journey with the prompt "create a school library newsletter for elementary students about summer reading". This was the initial result I got. 

I reran the the query with additional sections to include; here is the result for that newsletter.

I found a template on Canva for a summer infographic and copied the sections from ChatGPT. I am  pleased with the entire process. The LinkedIn course helped me to decide how to generate more specific newsletter sections and if it would be appealing to my audience. One of the cons I found was that the book recommendations are dated and the author interview was with Mary Pope Osborne. Another is that it lacked emotion so that would lead to more editing on my part. 

When speaking with my group, two of us got very similar newsletters. Our other group member had a very different result with the same prompt. This goes to show that although AI can be beneficial, it's not consistent. When just starting out this can be time consuming but also informative. I think with more practice with specific prompts, this can reduce time constructing a newsletter on my own. The front work to create the best version of a generic newsletter can then be tweaked for each month. 

Here is the Canva newsletter that we created together.


  1. Our group had a similar experience with ChatGPT. We found that while it was helpful, it lacked the emotion that we wanted to include to develop connections with our audience. AI can be beneficial in time management, but it is vital that you go back and read what it created to ensure it has that personal touch. I agree that it will take more practice to get used to using it to it's full potential.


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