Seen and Unseen: what Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams's photographs reveal about the Japanese American incarceration Book Review
1. BIBLIOGRAPHY Partridge, E. (2022). Seen and Unseen: what Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams's photographs reveal about the Japanese American incarceration. Chronicle Books. ISBN: 978-1-45216-510-3 2. PLOT SUMMARY This book captures the lives of Japanese Americans during their time in internment camps from 3 photographer’s points of view. 3. CRITICAL ANALYSIS This informational novel falls under the category of History in the Dewey 900’s. After Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were forced from their West Coast homes and imprisoned in camps. The government first hired Dorthea Lange to take pictures to show Americans how well the Japanese were being treated in the camps. To her horror, life was nothing like what she was allowed to photograph. Next is a photographer by the name of Toyo Miyatake. He was a prisoner in Manzanar and had smuggled his camera lens in. With help from friends, he was given the supplies needed to make a camera and develop the prints....